Sunday, October 12, 2008

Journal entry 75--Seventh grade

Describe an experience when you were in seventh grade.

For some reason I remember what I wore to school the first day of seventh grade. I wore a red LeTigre polo shirt and Levi's 501 jeans with brown topsider shoes. I don't know why I remember it so well only that I was at that age where my clothes mattered and my popularity depended on it. I walked to school with my cousin and we stuck together for the first 2 weeks until we made our own friends. Lockers were a new thing for us at the school and at one point, I discovered my lock missing every morning. There were nothing but big boys around me and I felt very intimidated. Eventually I moved to another locker near my friends.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice posting. Terima kasih

Anonymous said...

Need to keep testing my blog. Not working as I want it to yet. Thx for the theme. Maybe this will get mine to look better..